What is an Ecology Consultancy?

 An ecology consultancy is a private company that provides advice on ecological matters, often relating to how a planned development or change in land management could affect UK wildlife (including both plant and animal species).

A consultancy will identify what habitats and species might be affected by a project, assess the likely impacts, and advise on how to avoid, mitigate or compensate for those impacts. An ecology consultancy can help ensure projects are legally compliant and, wherever possible, deliver ecological enhancements.

In addition, a consultancy can advise on what ecological requirements will be encountered in the planning process. Increasingly for both homeowners and larger developers this includes the provision of ‘biodiversity net gain’.

What does an Ecology Consultancy do?

After identifying and completing the necessary surveys, an ecology consultancy will review the project and assess whether any habitats or species will be impacted (either on-site or off-site). Numerous species are legally protected and where potential impacts cannot be avoided, they must be mitigated and/or compensated for. An ecology consultancy can advise on how to achieve this.

Where required, ecology consultancies will also assess potential impacts on protected sites such as special protection areas (SPAs), special areas of conservation (SACs) and sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs). Ecological consultants can form a valuable part of a project team to ensure impacts related to air quality, noise, hydrology, and recreation are also considered from an ecological perspective.

Click here to read our Ecology Surveys FAQs

The first step in an ecological assessment is to establish what habitats and species are present on-site and in the surrounding landscape. The main element of work undertaken by an ecology consultancy is therefore completing habitat and protected species surveys.  

A homeowner is most likely to require an ecology consultancy when they are planning an extension or refurbishment. This will often require survey work to establish whether roosting bats are present and could be impacted by the works. In addition to bats, ecology consultancies will also commonly survey for great crested newts, hazel dormice, reptiles, water voles, badgers, and breeding birds.

Click here to read our ecology survey guidelines.

Moreover, a small number of species are also protected under both UK and European law, for example: bats, great crested newts, hazel dormice, otters and rarer UK reptiles. Works impacting these species require a licence from Natural England, which can only be obtained after planning permission. An ecology consultancy can identify the appropriate licence for a project and obtain this on behalf of their clients.

When should I contact an ecology consultancy?

If you are going through the planning system and your project has the potential to impact on wildlife, get in touch with an ecology consultancy as soon as possible in the planning process.

If you are working with an architect or planner, they may raise the need to contact an ecology consultancy. Alternatively, planning authorities will often provide checklists or guidance that will alert you to the need for an ecologist.

However, this system is not fool-proof, and unfortunately, there are instances where ecological requirements can slip through the net and only get raised after a planning application has been submitted. This can lead to delays to a project, particularly as protected species surveys are very time-sensitive and can only be undertaken at certain times of year.

For more information about the time scales for ecology work, please check out our Ecology Calendar Infographic.

Ecology consultancies will be happy to talk through your project, advise which ecological considerations may be relevant and provide a quote for undertaking the works. The earlier in the planning process you can speak to a consultant the easier it will be to ensure any surveys or assessments are completed according to your project timetables. 

For more information about ecology consultancy, as well as a range of ecology resources, head to our Ecology By Design blog. You can find out more about our range of ecology services here or contact us directly today to make an enquiry.