Botanical Survey

Phase 1 Habitat Surveys

Phase 1 Map

A phase 1 habitat survey sometimes called a phase 1 or biodiversity survey in its original form is a map of habitats present on a site, a list of individual plant species and ‘target notes’ of important features on the site. The species found are used to assign a habitat type following guidance set out by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee. It is a relatively fast and widely accepted method for mapping habitats.

This should not be misinterpreted as a complete ecological survey.  If you are applying for planning permission a preliminary ecological appraisal is more appropriate.



National Vegetation Classification (NVC)

Phase 2 uses the National Vegetation Classification (NVC) system developed by JNCC to identify and map vegetation using defined plant community types. It is the most detailed habitat survey methodology and is accepted as the ‘gold-standard’ for describing vegetation within the UK.

Phase 2 surveys are most often commissioned to assist monitoring or inform management on protected sites such as sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) or nature reserves but can also be required as part of Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIAs) or for large developments or where developments impact important, diverse or complex habitats.

Ideally best carried out between April and October the NVC system requires considerable botanical expertise and can only be undertaken by suitably experienced botanists. Ecology by Design botanists have considerable experience in NVC surveying across a range of habitats and project sizes.



Book a Botanical Survey

If you would like to discuss your options or if you have any questions, call us on 01865893346 or: